Seeing as a few of the methods of using crystals that I’ve discussed on here have involved getting rid of negativity, I thought it important to give you some guidance on how to cleanse your crystals of this energy.
Actually, it is good to make sure you do this when your crystals are new as you will not be aware of what they have been around and have absorbed. But certainly, if you have worked with a crystal around a tense situation, you may be feeling better now but the crystal won’t! So here are some tips on how to purify and re-energise them.
Smudging with sage and lavender. This is a very simple method and works by simply carrying away the negative energies but in a safe manner. Try not to do too many in one go though.
Sea salt. Salt is a wonderful cleanser and can be used in 2 ways for your crystals. Firstly, if you know your crystals are resistant to water, you can dissolve the sea salt in water and place your stones in it overnight. Make sure you rinse them thoroughly in the morning and do NOT keep the water. Pour those bad vibes down the sink immediately! You can also use dry salt - same method as above but the crystal is placed directly in a bowl of salt without the water (therefore you’ll need more salt). Again, check out whether or not your crystal is hardy enough to cope with contact with water or salt first as you will otherwise cause them serious damage.
3) To re-energise your crystals after, place them in the window to pick up some daylight. It is much better to get sunlight onto them but this is not always possible of course.
4) Another great way to charge your gemstones up again is to have them with you! Place them around you for 20 minutes to half an hour, or place them in your hand for 10 minutes. I find this sufficient for getting a buzz back from them :)
After following the above, you’ll have your little helpers back. Hope you found this useful.
Chris xx