If you are looking for a super charged crystal, then look no further than a crystal generator! These slightly space age looking wands or tools are six faceted crystals, often clear quartz or amethyst. It comes to a point at one end so that it collects and strengthens the energies in this place. These are wonderful aids to meditation or working alongside other crystals. However, you must cleanse and re-energies your other crystals after working with them as this is a very powerful force!
I have been working with this amethyst crystal energy generator lately as I have wanted to be very focused on something I am doing at work. The irony of the situation that I found myself in was that I was busy and so lacking in time to work with my crystals but tired and in need of the extra help! So my generator has come along to save the day.
I have been using it to accompany some affirmations that I have been working on and this is magnifying the effect of them and helping me to target exactly what I need to do. I’ll let you know if I get a promotion!