Credit crunch, recession, call it what you like I’ve had some hard times financially of late and I’m far from out the other side of my problems! So I am going to be using a lot more of one of my favourite money crystals, citrine. Just the name makes me feel more vibrant and go-getting but it’s also a very giving gemstone and associated with abundance. Just what I need!
I like to combine using crystals with feng shui for a little extra oomph to the energies. The money corner of your home is the left hand corner right at the back of your house as you stand facing your front door. I like to place the largest piece of citrine that I have here. I have read that in feng shui, crystals are seen as a symbol of luxury and that would be most welcome :) In fact, I have seen amethyst also associated with wealth once placed in the money corner so you could try this too. I stick to citrine here because, and you may think I’m mad for this, the stones somehow remind me of those lovely koi carp you see, in the orange and white colours. I see them symbolised in feng shui and feel I am bringing in those energies with my citrine.
The other place I like to use my citrine for bringing money to me is by my purse. On an evening when I don’t need it - and there had better be more of these from now on - I place my purse on the table and surround it with some citrine tumblestones. I see the energies being two way here. Firstly it draws money to me, but secondly provides me with more will power to stop me spending unless absolutely necessary.