Thursday, 18 March 2010

Crystal Combo for a Cold

Right now, I have a terrible cold. Needless to say I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself. But I do have a little ritual for helping me through and I always prefer the natural method to the chemical concoctions on the market today.

I firstly like to cleanse and clear using clear quartz. This doesn't take much, all you need to do is leave it under your pillow or carry it with you for a while. This will help to 'reset' your energies and pave the way for further crystal work.

Next, I will be using banded carnelian for its strength and restorative properties. I'm feeling pretty low and listless so this is perfect for giving me many different strong energies in one go! If you've also got a cough or a sore throat then you might want to try some blue agate

Aside from that, I turn to a nice sit down and a cup of tea!