At this time of year you will most likely be thinking about your holidays but are possibly still way too far off going! In fact it seems like the time is never going to come and you end up getting more and more overwhelmed by the stresses and strains of all you have to do.
So what can you do to give yourself a spiritual break to keep you going in the meantime? Here’s where I bring in Chinese fluorite. In fact just looking at this stunning crystal is like going on holiday in your mind! It has 2 of the main, powerful colours of psychic energies - purple and green.
I don’t do anything special with my Chinese flourite crystals; I just give them prominence in a room where I am relaxing and trying to take my mind off things. In fact, I like to make myself a cup of tea and spend some time just looking over the beautiful colours they possess.
So what can they do for you?
Chinese fluorite is great at drawing away negative and toxic energies from you (in fact some people keep it by their computers while they work). But if you are finding it hard to dump the detrimental effects of a day’s work or are just plain feeling gloomy, this crystal will siphon it all off leaving you feeling refreshed and back to your old self. By the time you finally get to your holidays, you never know, you may even have the energy to pack!
Take care,
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