Sunday 15 February 2009

Carnelian and Motivation

February is a strange time of year. Summer seems way off in the distance and the chaos/excitement of Christmas is long behind us. It is very often at this time of year that we get a niggling feeling that we’re not doing all we can with our life - that we’re in a bit of a rut.

You need some carnelian! Whether your inaction is down to fears of failure or just the fact that it’s cold outside, carnelian is just the galvanising force you need. It introduces life and energy into your aura and making those all important first steps will suddenly seem all the easier. Carnelian is often called the stone of the here and now and will stop you putting things off.

Carnelian is excellent to wear as a piece of jewellery to get you motivated. That way its influence will be on you all day! After all, you’ve been putting things off for weeks and months so you may need carnelian’s help over quite a few weeks too.

However, as with almost all crystals you can also just move a piece or some carnelian tumblestones into a more prominent place as and when you need them and you will find that you effortlessly absorb the energies as you relax. And at this time of year, what could sound more appealing?!

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