Wednesday 8 April 2009

Moonstones and Pendulums

The next gemstone that I’d like to introduce you to is the moonstone, a shimmering and dazzling crystal that matches the mystical object that it’s named after. Moonstone is fantastic for balance, going with the ebbs and tides of life. Even though there’s movement, by the end you will find yourself centred at just where you should be. Moonstone is perfect for getting you through times of turmoil or confusion, and even when you’ve just got a touch of PMS!

But my favourite moonstone crystals item is my moonstone pendulum. If you’ve never used a pendulum before, you will be amazed at how easy it is to use it so it is a great way of divining for the beginner. (For details on how to use a pendulum take a look at this site -the only thing I would add to the info here is that it I usually ask the pendulum the answer for yes and no TODAY, as it can sometimes vary. Why, I don’t know!)

My moonstone pendulum is not the only one that I have. I have different stones for different purposes: rose quartz for love question for example. But I like to use the moonstone pendulum for times of imbalance in my life such as stressful or confusing times when I don’t seem to be getting a straight answer from anyone! I use it when one aspect of my life is taking over others and also if I feel a little taken for granted. It seems to bring me comfort as well answers during these times. I hope it does the same for you. :)

Chris x

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