Tuesday 16 December 2008

Green Aventurine and Difficult Decisions

If I was planning on doing a top 10 of favourite crystals I would definitely have to put green aventurine in the top 5. It is such a wonderful all rounder of a crystal, with gentle and balancing properties. And it’s exquisite to look at.

Green aventurine has been used for physical healing by lots of people who swear by it, but seeing as I have not experienced this myself yet I will not be discussing this use here. I have however, turned to this beautiful crystal many times when I need to make a decision or think things through in a logical or methodical manner. It is amazing how much clarity green aventurine can bring you.

How Does Green Aventurine Work?
It works by bringing out the positive from any situation - working with your own innate wisdom. We can often have our judgements cluttered by too many distractions and stresses in modern life, or simply by letting our emotions rule our heads. Green aventurine, for me, seems to be able to put all of these things to one side and show me the right path or course of action to take. Which of course I knew all the time, but couldn’t see for looking!

So, if I’m feeling indecisive, here are the ways in which I use green aventurine. A very simple method - and the one I try first - is to place it by my bed at night, as close to me as possible to allow it to influence my dreams and subconscious. I may not necessarily have any answers come to me through my dreams but I can certainly feel the difference in my thinking when I wake up in the morning. I have had quite a few eureka moments .

It can also be used with some basic meditation techniques (see my last post about snowflake obsidian for more info) in order to draw out of you the answers you seek. Also try carrying it around with you throughout the difficult times, as of course you can do with most crystals for any of your problems.

But one of the most effective methods for more long term problems is to bring it into the heart of the situation wherever possible.

For example, I have used green aventurine for many a work decision when I’ve been struggling to find the right solution. I have left a green aventurine tumblestone on my desk or taken it with me to meetings (tucked away safely in my pocket), and sometimes even left it nearby to colleagues that were part of the problem!

You will find that the qualities of this crystal will soon have you able to see what is the best thing for you to do, and give you back an empowering sense of control over your life.


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