Saturday 24 January 2009

Amethyst and drunkenness!


Amethyst - the perfect protective talisman. It is one of the most popular of the quartz family crystals and its beautiful, lilac colour is soothing, calm and reminiscent of psychic energies. And for those born in the month of February, this is your stone - and how well you’ve done! I’m quite jealous actually!

So, what can we practically use amethyst for? The good news is amethyst can be practically used for anything!!

Firstly, there’s where it gets its name from - the Greek amethustos meaning "not drunken". It has been used to help with drunkenness and ward off its effects, even to the point of drinking out of amethyst goblets. It was also used for another kind of spirits, although this time of the evil kind, and was said to offer protection from them.

But even if you do not believe that you’re being plagued by evil spirits (and I sincerely hope you’re not!) bear in mind that it is equally relevant to the negative thoughts in your own head. Amethyst can be a great comfort and dissipater.

These negative thoughts are bad for you, not only because they cause you distress, but because they more often than not lead onto more negative thoughts. Before you know it, the problem will spiral downwards and the problem will worsen. Not what you need.

So, this is how I use amethyst during these difficult times. Try to leave yourself at least 15 minutes as you will not be able to see the benefits in a shorter time than this.

I like to take a piece of amethyst (I use a rough piece but you can equally use a tumblestone if you have one) and place it right between my eyebrows. I then close my eyes and relax and try not to think of anything so that I am free to experience any shift in energies within me.

This is always marvellous if I have been feeling churned up and, even if I hadn’t noticed it, if my breathing has quickened with the stress. Within 5 minutes I usually can feel a lightening feeling come upon me and a positive attitude will follow. By the end of the 15 minutes (or half an hour if I can manage it) I will find that solutions or suggestions will start to enter my mind and take the place of the negativity.

If you are going through a particularly bad time, try to fit this in at least once a day if you can and you will soon find that, while amethyst can’t solve all your problems (sadly!), you will be better able to think things through rationally and face up to them in a calmer manner.

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