Monday 23 November 2009

Healing Friends

I had an interesting experience the other day that I’d like to share with you. There’s been a lot of illness around me lately and I’ve seemingly been fighting off coughs and colds for months now. So in other words, I’ve been a bit run down!

I had a friend round the other day and I was feeling a bit ropey but trying not to give in. Now my friend is one of those people that has an endless energy, a warm and friendly manner and people seem to be just drawn to her like she was a real log fire on a rainy cold day! I love the fact that she just seems to emanate this energy and doesn’t have to try, but I must admit on this day I was kind of struggling to do her visit justice.

She was talking away as I flopped down on the sofa and as she chatted, she reached out for a piece of amethyst and just caressed it absentmindedly. Almost immediately I started to perk up! It wasn’t a burst of energy or anything like that, more of a sense of calm and release washing over me. I was certainly more up for a natter.

I wanted to share this with you as I was interested in effect that someone with such loving and warm energies can have, a natural healing ability. Because someone else has handled my amethyst I should now cleanse the energies and neutralise them. In fact, I have left the piece she touched by my bed!

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